Friday, April 3, 2015

My Top 5 TV Shows

Hello lovelies, so a quick post today because I currently have some free time back so I have been catching up on all the TV I have been missing!! 

So these are just my top five at the moment! Because believe me, I could go on for about top 50! And different shows go through phases of being my favourites because they each go through different story lines which keep me hooked. 

  1. Pretty Little Liars

My top one at the moment, I know it has just gone on its season break because we just saw the season 5 finale but OMG. If any of you watch it, or know anything about it... I have watched it from the very first episode in 2009 and i have been waiting 5 years to find out who A is, and we finally have the biggest clue and pretty much know who it is after the last episode!! 

If you don't know what it is, please please go and watch it. you won't regret it. 

2. Reign

Reign is one that is a bit of an underdog for me as it's not one I always think of first but I actually love it. It is a relatively new series, only on season 2, but it is actually so good! It's basically a historic setting with Queen Mary of Scotland set in france with all the royals there. Definitely worth a watch! 

3. Arrow

Arrow is something that isn't a 'typical' programme that i would watch but I started watching it with my Boyfriend and we really enjoyed it, but he isn't one for keeping up with stuff so he gave up and I carried on. I've been a bit behind recently but i'm catching up and its been very good at the moment!

4. Friends

Ever since I got the box set for christmas I have been obsessed and I am now halfway through the last series and I don't actually know what happens at the end so don't spoil it! I am so close! But yes, just a classic programme and I love it at the moment.

5. Doctor Who

So I debated putting this in here because when I was younger I used to watch this religiously every Saturday night. I wouldn't go anywhere without a TV during Doctor Who time. But recently as I have grown older I feel I have grown out of it a little bit and for the first Christmas ever last year I didn't watch the Doctor Who Special. However I was scrolling through Netflix the other night for something to watch and I came across Doctor Who.. Now apart from some really awful CGI, I forgot how much I loved the older series, as it is a British tradition really. So recently I am enjoying watching back the old episodes of Doctor Who with Billy Piper and David Tennant. 

Now don't get me wrong, these are only a fraction of the shows I am actually watching at the moment, I am also obsessed with the likes of Vampire Diaries, Revenge, Once Upon A Time, you name it. But these are just the five I am loving the most at the moment. 

Let me know what your favourites are and if you watch any of the ones I am at the moment, I'd love to know!! 


  1. Ah, I'm actually obsessed with friends can't go a day without watching at least one episode or so haha. And also addicted to Pretty Little Liars!! :)

    1. Pretty little liars is hard not to be obsessed with! haha and I finally got through all 10 season of friends the other day, actually the first time i've watched them the whole way through from start to finish! Loved it! xxx

  2. I love the show Pretty Little Liars. I haven't watched the latest season yet. But when I can I will definitely watch it. :)
