Sunday, July 13, 2014

The British Tag

Hello lovelies! So i saw this and I thought it would be a really cute thing to do (even though you may be surprised at how un-British i am in some cases haha) But here we go...

1. How many cups of tea do you have a day and how many sugars?

This is what I meant by you being surprised at how un-british i am, I actually don't drink tea. (BIG SHOCKER) I only drink green tea, and I don't put sugar in that, I put honey it it. Thats because green tea is a very... acquired taste, and the honey is a natural sweetener which makes it a lot nicer! 

2. What is your favourite part of a roast dinner?

Oh god, can i say all of it? no, if i had to choose, the stuffing or yorkshire puddings! 

3.What is your favourite dunking biscuit?

Again, don't really dunk them... But i do love bourbons and custard creams! 

4. What is your favourite quintessentially British pastime? 

Erm, Just the little things we do best i think, going down to local, having brunch, roast dinners!! 

5. What is your favourite word?

I sort of go through faces of using words that i like, and my friends just look at me like what? My one right now is probably - Adjacent.

6. Do you know any cockney rhyme slang? 

Erm, sorry to disappoint, but the only one i know is up the apple and pears (translation: Going up the stairs)

7. What is your favourite sweet?

Oh dear, another hard one. I'd have to say, only because when i was younger walking back from school we'd all go to the sweet shop with our 20p's and I always used to buy a bag of cherry lips in those little paper bags. Oh the memories

8. What would your pub be called?

The White Rose, purely because i'm a typical pale English girl who really needs to get some sun but doesn't tan and I just think its a really nice British name.

9. Who is your number 1 British person?

The Queen is pretty up there, i'd say.

10. What is your favourite shop and restaurant?

Favourite shop, probably New Look as its fairly cheap and i love their summer range this year. And restaurant... I want to say Go Burrito, but thats not exactly British is it haha.

11. What British song pops into your head?

Seeing as I will have seen them by the time you guys read this! Arctic Monkeys - R U mine?.

12. Marmite?

I know everyone says you either love it or hate it, but I actually just don't mind it.. Sometimes I crave it. 

And thats the British Tag! 

If you guys want to give it a try, do it! And send me a link, love to see what you guys say.
Thanks for reading! 

1 comment:

  1. I love this tag haha! xx Anyway I've nominated you for The Sunflower Award - You can read more about it here:

    Of course I won't force you to do this - it's completely optional, but have an amazing day and everything! xx I hope you'll keep reading along on my blog ^___^

    Cindy |
