Thursday, July 10, 2014

What to Take to A Festival


Ahhh, i've been so excited to share this post with you! And the time is finally here, I am packing for T in the Park which is up in Scotland! I am going TOMORROWW! 

So if you couldn't already tell, i'm very excited to go and I wanted to share with you what I will be taking and make a sort of checklist for all you guys who are going to one too.

I've been preparing for a couple of days, it is crucial to plan your outfits every day so you don't take any more clothes than you need as it takes up valuable space, and to also buy little things beforehand. Don't leave it all to the last minute!

Here is pretty much everything i will be taking! Carrier bags are your friends, very easy things to separate clothes and all sorts and squish things in, and just throw them away when you don't need it.

So lets go for clothes first:

What i am taking are two dresses and a skirt a top combo, these are my outfits for the days in the arena and then i've got shorts, leggings and hoodies, and a couple of vest tops to chill at night in, or sleep in or whatever. 
I have a very lightweight waterproof coat and then a rain poncho. You can get a rain poncho from a lot of places really for very cheap, online, at supermarkets etc and they are VERY handy! Then obviously wellie socks and underwear. As for footwear i obviously take my wellies, but i like to bring a pair of flip flops to as they are really light and can slot into your bag and are handy for being around your tent or nipping to the loo at night, old trainers and stuff would also work (just a bit heavier to carry). 
You will also need a little bum bag or shoulder bag to take with you in the arena, make sure its one secure as possible! There can be quite a few pickpockets around, i've also got a phone wallet for my phone, money and cards to all go in to keep it nice and handy and safe so i'd recommend that. I've also got my little hat, as three whole days without a shower - My hair is going to look like a chip pan! so if you are like me, dry shampoo it to death and buy a hat.

Next, Practicalities: 

So you are probably looking at that picture and thinking why would she need a lilo at a festival? well its an amazing idea to use it as an air bed, for around 4 - 6 pounds you can get one and its so much cheaper than an air bed! and you can just chuck it away after if you don't want it. Shouldn't really need to say it, but torches! Don't rely on your phone as it will die after the weekend, you can pick up ones from the pound shop and stuff, i've also got a head torch which is very useful to have (even if you do look like a wally) 
Phones now, its the best idea to take a 'festival phone' one you aren't particularly bothered about. But i don't have this unfortunately so i've got mine and just going to be super careful, i also bought a new battery so i've got more charge in my phone. I also have my old camera which is good to make some memories and good that you arent too bothered about it. 
Don't forget about eating too, Bring paper or plastic plates and sporks or camping knives and forks, you will need something to eat with! And drink, Water bottles! There are places all over the festival to fill up your water bottles for free, if you can see in the photo i've also got those little plastic pouches, they are very good for water or even alcohol. And remember no glass is allowed inside the festival! 

One thing of vital importance, DON'T forget your ID. This is bad.


this is always a hard one, I know people who can spend like £400 pounds in one weekend! But i like to save my money, so as long as you take most of your alcohol and food there isn't much to spend it on, so i am only taking £60. It's also important to get your cash out beforehand! 


The essentials really is what you need to remember, so the makeup you will be wearing, I like to keep it to as little as possible. Then there is dry shampoo, I can't stress how crucial that is! Also suncream is a must, and hand sanitizer after those horrible toilets. Toilet roll also, at a lot of festivals there are places you can get it for free but make sure to take a roll or two anyway. Sunglasses, I've got some silly ones and normal ones just to jazz it up a bit. Toothbrush & toothpaste, after all the drinking and eating rubbish the feeling of a fresh clean mouth will be amazing! Hairbrush and a mirror are also essential, but be careful what mirror you take in as can be classed as glass. Any hair products you want to take or anything like that. Deodorant and baby wipes also to keep clean and smelling fresh! Also any medication or contraception you may need, be safe guys! 

Also don't forget the obvious things like food, your tent, sleeping bag and everything to be comfy!

And that is my little checklist guide to a festival! Let me know where you are going this summer and if this helped you or if there are any little tips and tricks you have too! 

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