Monday, September 15, 2014

Heading back to uni?

Hello lovelies, My life this week is revolving around going back to University for my third and final year and it is all very nerve racking thinking of how this is the last year at University and after this I will be thrown out to the real world where I will have to get a job and other grown up things, which terrifies me. So this post is going to me making sort of 'going back to uni resolutions'. Something I will try my best to stick at! If you are also going back or going for the first time, I will include everything I wish i'd done so you guys and fully make the most of your experience too.

1. I will actually make the most of the society's and join at least one new one.

Considering I am going into my third year I am appalled at myself for not joining some kind of sports society, it is what makes a lot of peoples experiences the best time of their life. So I am definitely going to join one, either Netball or Cheerleading probably.

2. Get a part-time job

I've been quite lucky and avoiding getting a job these past two years but I really need to now and job hunting is harder than it seems. But I have a job interview on Friday - So wish me luck.

3. Find work experience!!

My course I am studying, when I graduate it will be very competitive to find a job and I want to shine out to future employers and I have been totally rubbish with finding work experience, and so this year I am going to do everything I can to get some!

4. Be organised

Now I know everyone says this year every year, they will be more organised and all sorts. But this year I really need to be, I won't leave essays to last minute anymore and I will get on it! At least one draft to show my tutors before its actually due.

5. Enjoy the spontaneous plans

The majority of the best nights out are alway spontaneous, and after graduating we may not have the chance to be as spontaneous, and after all, University is also about going out with friends and having an amazing time.

6. Join a gym and actually go

Last year I was good at going to the gym for a while, and we went to classes and stuff but it was no where near what I wanted to do. So this year I will at least create a set time that I go at least once every week. 

7. Start saving some money

I am quite fortunate that I get a big student loan (this is due the fact that my parents can't afford to give me a penny, but a lot of my friends are in a similar position and get less) and when I get a job I need to start saving some up, be that to rent a house when I graduate or for my future wedding or whatever, It's just good to save. (As I have no savings whatsoever)

8. Be a busy body

Never moan about not having plans, just do loads that make you happy. There is no excuse at University, you have so much to do. Be that person that is always busy and has to make plans in advance with you to see you cause you are so totally organised.

9. Watch less netflix

Although it pains me, netflix has been too big a part of my life, and I think we need to take a break. But not forever, just see less of each other, it will be better for both of us. 

10. And finally... take more photos

You will only regret the photos you don't take. Although the memories will never die, its nice to have actually tokens to remember every little thing by... Do this and you will never regret it :)

So guys, these are my aims for my third and final year of University life. It's going to be great, if you are going into first year or going back, or just starting a new year at school, let me know if you plan to do anything like these and we can encourage each other to stick it out!

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