Hello lovelies, just here to tell you what I have been loving this month!
This is actually my first favourites tag, and it is a bit random! But all relevant i'd say, this month (for England) has been a scorcher! So a lot relate to that.
Number One:
Scrunchies!! I am absolutely loving scrunchies at the moment, in this hot weather they are such a simple and effective way to do your hair. I got this one in the sale from New Look for £1.00 and I will most definitely be starting a big collection.
Number Two:
Now this is a bit of a weird one, as it doesn't exactly look beauty and style. But basically I got REALLY badly sunburnt, after sun and everything just weren't touching it, so i got this! It was recomended by my doctor, but you can just get it from any pharmacy normally. Its called 'Aqueous Calamine Cream' and it has honestly worked wonders. Main thing to do is not get sun burnt, but sometimes it happens, we know that (unlike all the people in the pharmacy that gave me dirty looks and told me 'the answer is to just wear suncream') So if you do, this is what you need!
Number Three:

As you can see in the picture the colour is actually called 'Gone Fishing' and it is from Topshop (if you don't already recognise the spotty top they always have on their make up)
Number Four:
Recently i've not really been doing much in the way of fancy stuff, I have just been busy with stuff at home or working in the village, therefore I haven't really felt the need to waste my perfume. This is the perfect solution for those kind of days. It's Body Shop's body mist, you can just spray all over your body and it smells amazing just to either freshen up in the hot weather or for when you go out. The one I have is actually a Christmas limited edition one i think, in the scent of cranberry, which i adore! But i would recommend peach, but everyone likes their own thing so go try them all out and find your favourite! They are around £7.50 I think and are very worth it I feel!
Last but not least, my EOS lip balm. My boyfriend actually picked this up for me at Selfridges, but i'm pretty sure you can get them at boots and all sorts. They are amazing, they smell great and are very popular with lots of celebrities. My one is 'Strawberry Sorbet' and its great but there are so many others I want to buy. And they are so handy to just shove in your bag! Think they are around £5.00, but you can buy packs of them and stuff, and this is another thing that i will most definitely start collecting.