Saturday, November 22, 2014

100 random questions no one ever asks: Part 1

Hello lovelies, So I did a get to know me tag back in May, and to say I had only been blogging for one month it got quite a lot of love, so i'm guessing you guys enjoyed it and thought it was about time I did another. 

I got these questions from a '100 random questions no one ever asks tag', because thought it would be a bit more fun and less boring for you guys. Here we go:

1. Do you sleep with the wardrobe doors open or closed?
Well I don't actually have a wardrobe in my room, in my uni house I have two little rooms and the other one is my dressing room thing that has all that stuff in. But if it was in my room, it would have to be closed.

2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioners from hotels?
I'm ashamed to say, yes. This is something I picked up from my mother, she is the kind of person that at the breakfast in the morning will put things in her bag for lunch and try and force feed us yogurts because they were free (please tell me you guys have mothers like that too). But I like to take them for the memories of the place, I don't think i've ever actually used them

3. Do you sleep with the sheets tucked in or out?
Out. I have to be able to get my leg out when i'm too warm (but not for too long, obviously, or the monsters will get it)

4. Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
I'm having to actually think about this, i'm sure one of my friends have on our drunken nights, but nothing springs to mind. 

5. Do you like to use post-it notes?
I like to keep them in my diary and when I am researching using books I put them all over the place.

6. Do you cut out vouchers but then never use them?
I don't even cut them out and just forget about them, but I really should probably use them to be honest. Student life is not cheap.

7. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?
Erm, neither? Both sound pretty painful, but probably rather the bear as yeh it would hurt, but it wouldn't be all over your body everywhere.

8. Do you have freckles? 
I used to actually have so many when I was younger, I found a picture the other day and it was so funny, they have mostly faded on my face though, still have quite a few on my arms though and the sun brings them out a lot more.

9. Do you always smile for pictures?
I'm going to say probably about 85% of the time, yes I do.

10. What is your biggest pet peeve?
I have a few, but first one that comes to mind is when people bash their teeth against their fork or spoon, drives me crazy, and really noisy eaters too who can't keep their mouth closed.

11. Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
Can't say I do, no.

12. Have you ever been camping?
I used to go more when I was younger, now its only really for festivals and stuff, but funny story: When I was about 5, my mum took me camping, and I just couldn't understand why we were there, I kept saying things like, 'mummy I don't understand why we are here when we have a perfectly good toilet and kitchen at home.'

13. How long has it been since you went camping?
Like I said before, festivals and such, and I actually went to T in the park last July (I think it was July)

14. Do you ever dance even when there is no music playing?
Who needs music? I am the worst for it in the kitchen, just dancing away around the table while cooking. 

15. Do you chew on your pens and pencils?
To be honest, it depends how bored I am, not normally no. 

16. How many people have you spent time with this week?
Well my boyfriend stayed over for a couple of days, so thats been nice, then my housemates and workmates really.

17. What size is your bed?
My one at home is a king, the one at uni - not exactly sure... think its just a double. Can't live without a double bed, I would just fall straight out of a single.

18. What is your song of the week?
Well, as i'm writing this post on the day it was released, i'm going to have to said the brand new Band Aid 30, which has been remade to raise money to help against ebola. So everyone go buy it off itunes, who are giving 100% of the profits to charity! 

19. Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
Don't see why not, unless its those horrible low V neck t shirts that guys think they look so attractive in.

20. Do you still watch cartoons?
I love most animated movies if that counts? Don't think I watch any cartoons a lot anymore though. 

21. What is your least favourite movie?
Hard question. first one that sprang to mind is Saving Private Ryan, I know a lot of people love it and say its amazing, but I was forced to watch it and it just wasn't my thing. 

22. Where would you hide buried treasure if you had some?
Somewhere in a tiny little place called Overton where I used to live and play in the woods, know them so well and hardly anyone ever goes in there.

23. What do you drink with your dinner?
I do always try and have water, but if that fails, some form of squash. 

24. What do you dip your chicken nuggets in?
Ketchup. Always.

25. What is your favourite food?
Thai food, I love it. Especially green thai curry.

And for now, I think i'll stop there. I was actually considering doing the rest in video form? For my first ever one... but who knows! Thanks for reading guys, and if you have done this tag too, let me know in the comments as I would love to read your answers.

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