Friday, January 2, 2015

New years goals

Happy New Year my lovelies! I have a feeling 2015 is going to be an amazing year, so instead of just setting resolutions that I will most likely break within a few weeks, I am going to set goals. Life time goals for me to achieve this year.

  • My first goal is to get fit and feel a bit more comfortable in my own skin, everyone always says they are gonna loose weight in the new year etc etc and that is also my goal too, but at the end of the day the main aim is to be happy with yourself.

  • Find time for myself. I have a feeling this year is going to be a busy one, I have a part time job that is quite time consuming with all the hours i'm doing as well as my third and final year of University and also trying to have a social life. So I will set a goal to always allow time for myself, even if that is just 15 minutes reading peacefully or watching my favourite TV show for a bit, just allow myself to always have that time.

  • Graduate with a good degree. I can't let my life right now affect my degree, at the end of the day I have to put that first and graduation is just around the corner and I must try my hardest to get the best degree possible. 

  • Find my own little house. Now I know realistically I am never going to be buying a house this year as a first time buyer, unless I receive a lot of money at some point as it is just so expensive. But after I graduate I do not want to move home because it will just be going backwards really so I want to find a cute little house to rent with my boyfriend and we can see where things go from there.

  • And finally, save some money. This year I am going to be going out into the real life world and I need to start being grown up and saving just a little bit of my wages each month. This amount has yet to be decided but it will happen. Promise.

So these are my goals for 2015, personally this is a lot better for me instead of resolutions because I feel like I can achieve all these in a year and stick to them! (a lot of them I don't really have much of a choice in if I want to move on with my life) Let me know what your resolutions are for 2015, or if you are like me, your goals.

1 comment:

  1. Love these goals! I did a post about mine if you want to take a look? :)
