Friday, December 26, 2014

Blogmas: Christmas Day

So its pretty safe to say attempting to do blogmas while working 35 hours a week as well as doing all your uni work is pretty hard to do. So I apologise - On Christmas Eve I finished work and drove the hour and a half drive to home. But I did manage to take photos of the majority of the day on Christmas day.

Here are the photos from the day, hope you all had a wonderful day too filled with love and laughter. 
 Coming down to mountains of presents in the morning!

 Traditional breakfast in the Sedgwick household - Strawberries and chocolate

 All my presents - Me being totally spoilt.

 The Swallows dancing around the house, it was beautiful.

 Dinner is served

 Grandpa not knowing what to do with the Turkey

 Mum's boyfriend taking control!

 Santa races!

 I won!

 My two little babies

We had a lovely day playing games and doing all sorts, we didn't even turn on the TV once which is actually a first I think, but we were far too busy having fun. I will do a Christmas Haul post soon, and that will be an extra long one as I got SO much.
Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas

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