Saturday, January 3, 2015

December Favourties

Hello lovelies, today I thought instead of boring you with every single thing I got for Christmas I would just do a favourites post with some of the things I go this month. It was incredibly hard to choose as I got so many amazing things this year. I actually don't think i've ever had as much!

So I managed to choose 7 things for this months favourites out of all of the amazing things I got this year. I've got quite a big mix into what I've got this month and some are a little random.

First, my beloved Michael Kors watch. I actually had no idea I was getting this at all. I literally mentioned it to my dad in a passing comment. I hadn't even looked myself into which one i'd really love but they chose well because it is very me. I do really like the big ones but now I have this one it is just so much more suited to me.

It is beautiful. And I am still not used to watches that tell you the date and day and everything, never had a fancy watch before. It's pretty cool.

Next, and this was a total shock too. This was a present from work! All 13 of us got Chanel perfume. I was amazed but it is fast becoming my favourite smell in the world. I'd never had chanel before, or even smelt this one so I feel so lucky to have got this from work when my friends have been like, I got a tub of celebrations.

These next two are a little different. The first one my boyfriend got me which is the Friends DVDs. We actually started watching them together as I (Don't hurt me) have never actually seen friends all the way through. We watched them online and it got a bit of a pain so one of the presents he got me was the whole box set, which I am loving.

The next is the cutest thing I have ever seen. Its a little Macbook Air pocket mirror! Its honestly such a perfect copy but just mini and its a mirror!
Best Invention ever! My mum got me this one because she knows I love cute little things.

My mum also got me this too, it's a book with '500 words you should know'. Now my friends already joke about how I speak with big fancy words so this book is perfect to give them a bit more to joke about. Plus with me doing a Journalism degree it's always good to know big words. I'll give you some examples:


A reply that is especially sharp and witty. 'The dazzling rejoinder I should have made came to me half an hour later, long after I put the phone down'


Nothing to do with chewing, this is instead connected with shy in the sense of 'to shy away from'. It means to avoid, to abstain from: you might eschew chocolate for lent.

Hope you guys learnt some new words there, if you knew either of those I am totally stunned.

Also in that picture were the Ted Baker lipsticks I received. I actually got three in the pack, but I left one at Uni. Whoops. The colours you get in the pack are actually lovely, you get a red, a pink and a nude. All are equally as lovely.

And best till last - My very first Tiffany necklace! (Or Tiffany anything) This is the other present my boyfriend treated me too, and I love it. He knew I needed a necklace to wear everyday, nothing majorly big or too statement. And this is perfect.

He did very well. I wouldn't have even thought about Tiffany (other than for engagement rings, obviously)

I have been ridiculously spoilt last month, I hope you all have been too! Let me know what your favourite Christmas present of 2014 was.