Monday, January 12, 2015

Whats in my makeup bag

Hello lovelies, so tonight I finally got some free time and decided to do a quick post for you guys. I do have a few planned its just finding the time to do it, but I promise more are coming!

I've wanted to do something like this for a while but i've always felt I didn't have enough 'good' stuff because I'm still fairly new to blogging and living life on a student budget. But I decided to treat myself recently so I finally feel like I have something decent to share with you guys.

Now I tend to swap what is in my makeup bag as I only really use my makeup bag when I go away and pick and choose what I want. Normally I have all my makeup on my dressing table so its not much of an issue.

I had just been to my boyfriends this weekend and this is what was in there.

My naked palette is my saviour. I forgot it once and I almost cried. Recently I have much been preferring more natural eyes, I hardly ever use eyeliner now so the naked palette does everything I want it to do. I have a few brushes in my bag but to be honest I only really use two or three of them.

This is one of the newest things you haven't seen. I got this from bareminerals for Christmas and I was quite impressed. Its not the normal mascara I would go for, but it kind of widens your eyes and especially makes the edges look miles longer.

There is nothing else that you guys havn't already seen now, but if you do have any questions about anything please ask! Thinking soon I will do a what's in my handbag post, so let me know if you'd like that too. Thank for reading guys,

Sunday, January 4, 2015

MAC Haul

Hello lovelies, So I have got tons of things recently. I've been treating myself a little too much. Today I went to M.A.C and picked up a few things that I have been craving. 

My 14 year old sister actually got some foundation for Christmas and because I didn't know my exact colour I unfortunately missed out on that one, so I went and got some myself anyway. I had been meaning to get Mac foundation for years but I have to travel quite far to go to the nearest Mac store so I've just never got round to it. However now - I have it! 

My skin has been bugging me recently and none of my foundations were doing what I wanted them to do, so I opted for the longwear foundation that gives you full coverage. A lot of people feel with this you need to add some powder to make it feel less shiny but I have quite dry skin anyway so powder often dries it out, so with a bit of bronzer and blusher, that will do the job anyway.

I've also never been much of an eyebrow girl, and never took as much care as I should with them. This will be one of the first good eyebrow pencils i've bought and I really hope it makes a difference.

And who can go into a Mac store and not buy a new lipstick? Not me. I wanted to go for a darker shade this time but not really into the gothic purples or anything like that. I found one which I adored called Viva Glam but unfortunately they didn't have that one in stock. However, I did find another one I really liked. I wanted a matte finish one because the others I have are glossy and have some shimmer to them so matte was a must. 

The one I got was called Taupe, its quite deceptive to be honest because I wasn't expecting the colour on my lips to be as it was. But it is really lovely and i'm glad I picked this one (although viva glam is definitely on the next to buy list)

And thats my little Mac Spree. The amazing thing about this little spree as well was there as 10% off all make up! So it cost me around 45 pounds for all three things. I would also love it if any of you could recommend your favourite mac lipstick colours for me to check out - I want to find out what everyone is loving and expand my collection.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

December Favourties

Hello lovelies, today I thought instead of boring you with every single thing I got for Christmas I would just do a favourites post with some of the things I go this month. It was incredibly hard to choose as I got so many amazing things this year. I actually don't think i've ever had as much!

So I managed to choose 7 things for this months favourites out of all of the amazing things I got this year. I've got quite a big mix into what I've got this month and some are a little random.

First, my beloved Michael Kors watch. I actually had no idea I was getting this at all. I literally mentioned it to my dad in a passing comment. I hadn't even looked myself into which one i'd really love but they chose well because it is very me. I do really like the big ones but now I have this one it is just so much more suited to me.

It is beautiful. And I am still not used to watches that tell you the date and day and everything, never had a fancy watch before. It's pretty cool.

Next, and this was a total shock too. This was a present from work! All 13 of us got Chanel perfume. I was amazed but it is fast becoming my favourite smell in the world. I'd never had chanel before, or even smelt this one so I feel so lucky to have got this from work when my friends have been like, I got a tub of celebrations.

These next two are a little different. The first one my boyfriend got me which is the Friends DVDs. We actually started watching them together as I (Don't hurt me) have never actually seen friends all the way through. We watched them online and it got a bit of a pain so one of the presents he got me was the whole box set, which I am loving.

The next is the cutest thing I have ever seen. Its a little Macbook Air pocket mirror! Its honestly such a perfect copy but just mini and its a mirror!
Best Invention ever! My mum got me this one because she knows I love cute little things.

My mum also got me this too, it's a book with '500 words you should know'. Now my friends already joke about how I speak with big fancy words so this book is perfect to give them a bit more to joke about. Plus with me doing a Journalism degree it's always good to know big words. I'll give you some examples:


A reply that is especially sharp and witty. 'The dazzling rejoinder I should have made came to me half an hour later, long after I put the phone down'


Nothing to do with chewing, this is instead connected with shy in the sense of 'to shy away from'. It means to avoid, to abstain from: you might eschew chocolate for lent.

Hope you guys learnt some new words there, if you knew either of those I am totally stunned.

Also in that picture were the Ted Baker lipsticks I received. I actually got three in the pack, but I left one at Uni. Whoops. The colours you get in the pack are actually lovely, you get a red, a pink and a nude. All are equally as lovely.

And best till last - My very first Tiffany necklace! (Or Tiffany anything) This is the other present my boyfriend treated me too, and I love it. He knew I needed a necklace to wear everyday, nothing majorly big or too statement. And this is perfect.

He did very well. I wouldn't have even thought about Tiffany (other than for engagement rings, obviously)

I have been ridiculously spoilt last month, I hope you all have been too! Let me know what your favourite Christmas present of 2014 was. 

Friday, January 2, 2015

New years goals

Happy New Year my lovelies! I have a feeling 2015 is going to be an amazing year, so instead of just setting resolutions that I will most likely break within a few weeks, I am going to set goals. Life time goals for me to achieve this year.

  • My first goal is to get fit and feel a bit more comfortable in my own skin, everyone always says they are gonna loose weight in the new year etc etc and that is also my goal too, but at the end of the day the main aim is to be happy with yourself.

  • Find time for myself. I have a feeling this year is going to be a busy one, I have a part time job that is quite time consuming with all the hours i'm doing as well as my third and final year of University and also trying to have a social life. So I will set a goal to always allow time for myself, even if that is just 15 minutes reading peacefully or watching my favourite TV show for a bit, just allow myself to always have that time.

  • Graduate with a good degree. I can't let my life right now affect my degree, at the end of the day I have to put that first and graduation is just around the corner and I must try my hardest to get the best degree possible. 

  • Find my own little house. Now I know realistically I am never going to be buying a house this year as a first time buyer, unless I receive a lot of money at some point as it is just so expensive. But after I graduate I do not want to move home because it will just be going backwards really so I want to find a cute little house to rent with my boyfriend and we can see where things go from there.

  • And finally, save some money. This year I am going to be going out into the real life world and I need to start being grown up and saving just a little bit of my wages each month. This amount has yet to be decided but it will happen. Promise.

So these are my goals for 2015, personally this is a lot better for me instead of resolutions because I feel like I can achieve all these in a year and stick to them! (a lot of them I don't really have much of a choice in if I want to move on with my life) Let me know what your resolutions are for 2015, or if you are like me, your goals.