Monday, September 29, 2014

Lips Haul

Hello lovelies, today my lips got spoilt! Only a few purchases but things i've been wanting to try nonetheless. 

First stop was Topshop, at the moment they are doing 20% off so I did very well to keep myself in the makeup section and not even look at any clothes! (I genuinely have a shopping problem). But I have heard good things about the topshop makeup and especially the lipsticks so I decided to give them a go. There are so many lovely colours, the same goes to the nail varnish, and I spent ages trying to find my favorites (my friends tried on like 3 outfits in the time it took me to choose) I finally decided on the one from the lips section and I turn around to see more choices of colours of the sheer lips. So obviously I had to indulge in both. I wanted quite light colours as I have a few dark, and I picked a really sweet colour called 'macaroon' in the lips (so it also sounds delicious) which is a lovely pink shade, and then a slightly more orangey pink in the sheer lips called 'play with fire'.
These both retail at £8.00 but as I had 20% student discount I think they were about £6.40 each.

Next I ventured into superdrug, I was actually looking for the new Zoella products to have a little nosey, but it seemed that that superdrug was rubbish and didn't have any! However these little gems caught my eye. I have a few of the baby lips collection but i've actually not tried these before, and they were £2.99 each but with a buy one get one half price offer on. It was a tough choice to just choose two but I settled on 'Cherry Me' and the 'Strike a Rose' from the electro collection. Sticking to the pinkish theme i've carried with my lips on this blogpost.

I'm really impressed with them all to be honest and I can see my collection growing very soon!

Thanks for reading guys,

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Bag Wishlist

Hello lovelies, recently whenever I go into shops I am just totally drawn to the bag section and love looking at them all. So I thought I would do a post with a few of my favorites and what I will be buying (hopefully) in the near future. 

1. This is a sort of Céline replica bag which I am loving, and this will most probably be my first purchase. It's just such a classic looking bag. The one I found on Ebay, here, I'm not sure what the quality will be like as it is reasonably cheap (£26.99) but I will keep you posted.

2. The second one is a bag from River Island which is a lovely mint colour with black. I am totally loving mint at the moment and my car I will be getting hopefully very soon will also be mint so I want this to match with all the excitement. You can buy this here for £40.00.

3. Thirdly, another minty/ blue colour, but more pastel. Another thing I am loving right now, everything pastel! I hope they never go out of style. This one is a bargain at £11.95, which you can buy here on Ebay. When I do purchase this I really hope the quality will be good, which is obviously one thing you will be sceptical about.

4. Next, Is a little Ted Baker make up bag. I already have a big wash bag for majority of my makeup but I really want a little one to just keep in my handbag. This one is £22.00 and you can get it online here, but I will probably get it from selfridges or something in the hope of having student discount.

5. I've got a lot of blue and mint bags on my wish list this time and I really like this pink bag from New Look. And it is now on sale for £17.24 online, here.

6. This is another one from New Look, and the one thing that stood out to me on this were the handles. The length of the straps are pretty perfect and not like every bag you see today. I saw this bag on ASOS, here, for £24.99.

5. And lastly, another blue one. Slightly more pricey but I don't own a little bag like this other than clutch bags for going out and I really love the little chain. And for what it is it is slightly more pricey, £39.00. But it is very cute and again from ASOS, here.

And that is my bag wishlist... for now. I will let you know about some of the products from Ebay and if they are good quality. Let me know if you like any of these or what you've found that you love! Thanks for reading.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Heading back to uni?

Hello lovelies, My life this week is revolving around going back to University for my third and final year and it is all very nerve racking thinking of how this is the last year at University and after this I will be thrown out to the real world where I will have to get a job and other grown up things, which terrifies me. So this post is going to me making sort of 'going back to uni resolutions'. Something I will try my best to stick at! If you are also going back or going for the first time, I will include everything I wish i'd done so you guys and fully make the most of your experience too.

1. I will actually make the most of the society's and join at least one new one.

Considering I am going into my third year I am appalled at myself for not joining some kind of sports society, it is what makes a lot of peoples experiences the best time of their life. So I am definitely going to join one, either Netball or Cheerleading probably.

2. Get a part-time job

I've been quite lucky and avoiding getting a job these past two years but I really need to now and job hunting is harder than it seems. But I have a job interview on Friday - So wish me luck.

3. Find work experience!!

My course I am studying, when I graduate it will be very competitive to find a job and I want to shine out to future employers and I have been totally rubbish with finding work experience, and so this year I am going to do everything I can to get some!

4. Be organised

Now I know everyone says this year every year, they will be more organised and all sorts. But this year I really need to be, I won't leave essays to last minute anymore and I will get on it! At least one draft to show my tutors before its actually due.

5. Enjoy the spontaneous plans

The majority of the best nights out are alway spontaneous, and after graduating we may not have the chance to be as spontaneous, and after all, University is also about going out with friends and having an amazing time.

6. Join a gym and actually go

Last year I was good at going to the gym for a while, and we went to classes and stuff but it was no where near what I wanted to do. So this year I will at least create a set time that I go at least once every week. 

7. Start saving some money

I am quite fortunate that I get a big student loan (this is due the fact that my parents can't afford to give me a penny, but a lot of my friends are in a similar position and get less) and when I get a job I need to start saving some up, be that to rent a house when I graduate or for my future wedding or whatever, It's just good to save. (As I have no savings whatsoever)

8. Be a busy body

Never moan about not having plans, just do loads that make you happy. There is no excuse at University, you have so much to do. Be that person that is always busy and has to make plans in advance with you to see you cause you are so totally organised.

9. Watch less netflix

Although it pains me, netflix has been too big a part of my life, and I think we need to take a break. But not forever, just see less of each other, it will be better for both of us. 

10. And finally... take more photos

You will only regret the photos you don't take. Although the memories will never die, its nice to have actually tokens to remember every little thing by... Do this and you will never regret it :)

So guys, these are my aims for my third and final year of University life. It's going to be great, if you are going into first year or going back, or just starting a new year at school, let me know if you plan to do anything like these and we can encourage each other to stick it out!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Top Ten Tag

Hello lovelies, I was tagged by the beautiful Millie from Corkscrew Curls, so go check her out. This is the top ten tag, so I will just natter on about my favourite beauty products really.

1. Foundation
Well i've tried pretty much every drugstore foundation there is, because as much as I would love to say I could afford to buy Mac everytime I run out, I can't. So at the moment, the one I am loving is the Rimmel wake me up foundation. This is the first one I have bought and I do really like it! Will be purchasing again i'm sure.

2. Powder
Now I actually got given this as a present and when this runs out i'm a little bit screwed as i'm not sure where I will be able to repurchase this. It is called Sue Devitt triple C-weed loose powder. And if my sources are correct I believe it was in a glossybox one time so some of you may have had it before.

3. Concealer
Well again, it has to be the Rimmel wake me up concealer which I think I have mentioned before. To be honest with you guys I haven't really tried out that many concealers but when you have one you really like, why bother?

4. Blush
I'd have to say my go to blush is Mac's blush all day. Mine is in a darker colour which I like but I do need to invest in more pinky colours soon. 

5. Bronzer
Again, i'm pretty sure I stole this off my mum and the front has all worn off so i'm not even sure what it is, but its an amazing bronzer! All it says is pot of gold brozing pearls.. in a little cirlular brown pot. So if you guys know what it is, let me know! 

6. Highlighter
I really don't use highlighter, and i'm ashamed to say I don't own one. But if you know of an amazing one that I simply must try out and it will change my life forever, please enlighten me.

7. Mascara
The mascara I am loving at the moment is Maybelline's Rocket volume express mascara. Absolutely love it.

8. Eye Shadow
Of course it is going to be my Urban Decay naked palette. Even if you are in a rush and just shove a few shades on your eyelid it still looks amazing! 

9. Brows
I really need to buy a new eyebrow product, but the one I use at the moment is just a Rimmel brow pencil. I think i'll probably try the benefit brow stuff soon.

10. Lip Product
I'm actually not going to mention any lipsticks, but something I had in my July favourites. Its the EOS lip balm. I have yet to purchase any more like I said I would but it is definitely on the list! Its so easy to apply and handy to carry around everywhere with you.

And that is everything, Thank you again Millie for the tag. Thanks for reading,