Thursday, September 3, 2015

My 21st Birthday Party!

Hello lovelies, I really really wanted to share some of these photos with you guys. I had an amazing party for the 21st, it was like a mini festival in my garden! I had so much fun and thought it might give you guys some inspiration if you were wanting to plan anything like this! 

The homemade bar my mum made from an old chicken cage!

The wine bottles are my mums amazing idea. We basically just got bottles of wine and soaked of the labels in warm water, then my mum created all these signs and we stuck them on with double sided sticky tape (however if you buy sticker paper and print it on there it would make your life a lot easier!)

These cute little hanging balls were from ikea and I just added them onto string.

The bouncy castle was amazing!

Hope this has given you some inspiration for anything you are planning and you loved it just as much as I did. If you want anymore information on any of the photos in the post just comment down below! Thanks for reading guys

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

PLL Summer Season Finale Opinions

Hello lovelies, so this post is a little unorthodox for my blog but I felt I had to share with you! I have been watching Pretty Little Liars the day it came out so like a lot of people I have been waiting six long years for this moment. We finally know who A is!! And for those of you who don't watch PLL, please stop reading this blogpost and go get yourself onto netflix until you have caught up!


So us fans have finally found out the identity of A after six long years and there are a lot of mixed reactions on the finale. I wanted to give my opinions of the episode and the whole storyline behind it. It was revealed that Charles was in fact Cece who is the first transgender character on the show, and the episode also dived into a little bit of insest. With a week gone since the reveal of A I thought it was time I shed some light onto the matter!

Opinion of A being A

So a couple of my friends and a lot of people on twitter were very very disappointed with this choice of A. But I really really wasn't. I thought it was so clever how they'd done it and how it was so obvious yet I didn't suspect a thing like that! Everything now fits into place, the dress that Mrs. D was hiding when Alison found it, who killed Toby's mum, the whole Radley thing in general. I think it's a piece of genius and I have searched high and low for many many theories previous to this and I don't think I saw any that were correct. I love how they made you actually feel sorry for A and be able to connect with her. I honestly thought it was brilliant. 

Transgender Character and Insest

So many people took to twitter slating Marlene King and the other writers for making the first transgender character a psycho. Yes Cece had been to Radley and done some very crappy things to the liars but what makes everyone think she is actually ill in the head? Mr D put Charles in there because he tried to 'Kill' Alison, but we saw in the episode that he actually really loved Ali and just wanted to make her feel better. As for her being A and doing all the messed up things she has done, why does that make her mentally ill? I think she just loved the game. Doesn't necessarily mean she is mentally ill. And as for the insest, people are definatly taking that out of proportion. Cece even made a joke about 'how frustrated' Jason was (which made me giggle a lot actually) so obviously nothing happened, it was just the desperation of an abandoned child wanting to be with their family.

Radley & Bethany Young

Well, little innocent Bethany turned out the be a massive bitch didn't she? I'm glad that the girls finally know about who killed Toby's mother and I really hope it doesn't just get forgotten about in the next upcoming episodes as they have obviously skipped five years. I want to see Toby's reaction to it all and see how that plays out. And we finally learn who actually killed Bethany after everyone thinking it was Spencer, then Mellisa, then Ali.. It was endless. Poor Mona killed Bethany by accident thinking it was Ali, which I think brings out a whole new side of Mona if she was willing to do that. I mean we all knew she was a bit twisted but she was little A, little A didn't going around killing everyone.

Unanswered Questions

Although we were promised a summer of answers, they did not disappoint but I do still have some questions I would like to know the answers too! The main one being who actually killed Mrs. D? Because my money was on Charles before but now that obviously isn't the answer. The new characters that have come into this season, will we ever see them again? and are any of them actually suspicious? 

The Sara Thing

I knew she was super dodgy at first but I was finally starting to trust her and BAM. Ruined. Poor Emily, she has the WORST luck with love life. But I do think because we technically found out redcoat was Cece that it is a bit confusing that Cece is A and Sara is Redcoat. 

And the black widow too, i'm glad that was answered and that also made sense! I still don't know how she could do that to Emily. Another question would be if she actually had real feelings for Emily or not? 

The 5 year jump

I am very excited to see how they play this out! And the clip that they did show us, there are a lot of differences. It has been confirmed that Alison is indeed married and hasn't just changed her name. Her surname is in fact the same name as a Doctor at Radley and we have been told she is married to a Doctor but that was all the information given.  

We also find out that someone is after the girls again, or maybe just Ali this time. But this is a 'he' and this 'he' is confirmed to NOT be Charles/Cece. There is no confirmation that he is the new A but he is definitely the new 'Baddie' of the season.

I'm very excited to see what else they pull out of the bag and how they develop their characters further. I just really hope they don't miss anything really important from the last 5 years! 

Sorry for the very long post with getting my opinions out there, if you love PLL just like me, let me know your opinions too! And also if you do like these blog posts I could do so many more of them as I watch A LOT of TV shows. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

My Mac Lipstick Collection

Hello lovelies, So although I have started my Youtube channel now, I still want to stay active on here and post totally different things to keep you all happy. So today I am going to talk to you on here about my Mac Lipstick Collection!

So I haven't actually been buying Mac lipsticks for that long, but I don't need to tell any of you how addictive it is. I currently have 8, which is just enough to fill my little lipstick tray, so for now, I am content (Until i next visit mac probably)

I know a lot of you will probably 100% agree with me when people (men, I.E Boyfriends) say why do you have so many lipsticks that are exactly the same colour. No. Just No. I am like most, and I have a favourite sort of shade, and so I have some similar ones, but each and every colour is different. 

These are currently all the colours I own, and I do also think a lot of them look very different on, then in the actual tube. Fresh Moroccan, Creme in your coffee and Taupe are all similar shades, however they all have different finishes. Taupe (which I have mentioned before in my blog as one of my faves) is matte which gives a very different effect to Fresh Moroccan which is frost.

Velvet Teddy and Shy girl are my two nudes, but both have such a different impact. Velvet teddy is probably most well known from the Kardashians and those amazing lips! Shy Girl is actually one i recently acquired from my best friend who didn't think it suited her, so naturally I stole it. Again velvet teddy is a matte, which I do love, but it can sometimes dry your lips a lot easier than the other finishes.

Bombshell is a bit of the odd one out of this collection, its very pink compared to the others which are quite natural tones but I do really like this one, and I think I will be wearing it a lot more in the summer as it really stands out. And then Brick-O-La and New York apple are the closest I will get to red probably, I don't think red really suits me that much and whenever I am brave enough to wear it, it always ends up all over my face or teeth. Not nice. Brick-O-La was actually the first one I purchased out of all of these and I still love it now.

Now, as I previously mentioned, I do own some similar shades and on this photo you may look at some and go, they are the same, but if you really look at the texture and the shine to them, you can tell they will look a lot different actually on the lips.

I go through so many phases with what I like to wear, I find it hard to pick just one out of them all. Let me know what your favourite is out of mine, or even out of your own collection (Or want list), I'd love to know, and always good to get ideas for what to buy next.

Thanks for reading guys, and if you havn't already I would love you forever if you went over and subscribed to my brand new Youtube channel by clicking HERE, A new video will be posted on Thursday!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Whats in my bag

Hello lovelies, wow has it really been that long? Just a quick little update from uni (because that is the reason for my lack of posting) I have my last ever deadline on Wednesday!! So the stress is almost over! Today however, I wanted to do the what's in my bag tag.

The first item is my purse, this purse is from River Island and I think i've had it for about 3 years now, and I haven't found any other purse that could replace it as of yet. I will be gutted if it ever breaks on me. It's just the perfect size with the perfect amount of compartments and I love it.

I am not the most tidy of persons when it comes to my purse, I constantly have receipts sticking out everywhere and train tickets etc. but it does the job!

Next is my handbag makeup bag, I always like to have a smaller makeup bag for my handbag as I never like to lug around all my makeup. At the moment this little bag is a black one from Ted Baker. I switch what goes in this all the time, but at the moment it is just the Maybelline matte mousse foundation, a Mac lipstick in the shade 'creme in your coffee' which I am loving at the moment, and then just some hand gel.

I think this picture just sums up the weather we are having in the UK at the moment, I am carrying an umbrella and sunglasses! The umbrella I have at the moment is the amazing Pandora one I got from work. And I need some new sunglasses but these are just some ones from Topshop. 

If you know me, you will know I will not be anywhere without a hairbrush, I probably brush my hair a bit too often to be honest. So that is an essential for my bag, and then I also have the worlds smallest pencil case as my friends like to call it. Its basically just got enough room for two pens and a highlighter, which is all I need for uni. So its perfect. (I do have a bigger one too, just don't like carrying that round with me everywhere)

I shall start with my little business card holder. I have this to keep my business cards in and any that I get given, to keep them nice and safe. I then have my mini mac book which is actually a pocket mirror (Which you may have seen on my 'what I got for Christmas haul') And then lastly, when I was at work the other day I took a few of my charms off my bracelet so I popped it in that little pouch for now. 

And lastly, your bag would be pretty useless without your keys. I have my house keys for Uni and my house keys for home along with my car keys.

And that is everything that I take round with me in my bag! If you guys have done a similar post, I would love to see what you keep in yours! 

Friday, April 3, 2015

My Top 5 TV Shows

Hello lovelies, so a quick post today because I currently have some free time back so I have been catching up on all the TV I have been missing!! 

So these are just my top five at the moment! Because believe me, I could go on for about top 50! And different shows go through phases of being my favourites because they each go through different story lines which keep me hooked. 

  1. Pretty Little Liars

My top one at the moment, I know it has just gone on its season break because we just saw the season 5 finale but OMG. If any of you watch it, or know anything about it... I have watched it from the very first episode in 2009 and i have been waiting 5 years to find out who A is, and we finally have the biggest clue and pretty much know who it is after the last episode!! 

If you don't know what it is, please please go and watch it. you won't regret it. 

2. Reign

Reign is one that is a bit of an underdog for me as it's not one I always think of first but I actually love it. It is a relatively new series, only on season 2, but it is actually so good! It's basically a historic setting with Queen Mary of Scotland set in france with all the royals there. Definitely worth a watch! 

3. Arrow

Arrow is something that isn't a 'typical' programme that i would watch but I started watching it with my Boyfriend and we really enjoyed it, but he isn't one for keeping up with stuff so he gave up and I carried on. I've been a bit behind recently but i'm catching up and its been very good at the moment!

4. Friends

Ever since I got the box set for christmas I have been obsessed and I am now halfway through the last series and I don't actually know what happens at the end so don't spoil it! I am so close! But yes, just a classic programme and I love it at the moment.

5. Doctor Who

So I debated putting this in here because when I was younger I used to watch this religiously every Saturday night. I wouldn't go anywhere without a TV during Doctor Who time. But recently as I have grown older I feel I have grown out of it a little bit and for the first Christmas ever last year I didn't watch the Doctor Who Special. However I was scrolling through Netflix the other night for something to watch and I came across Doctor Who.. Now apart from some really awful CGI, I forgot how much I loved the older series, as it is a British tradition really. So recently I am enjoying watching back the old episodes of Doctor Who with Billy Piper and David Tennant. 

Now don't get me wrong, these are only a fraction of the shows I am actually watching at the moment, I am also obsessed with the likes of Vampire Diaries, Revenge, Once Upon A Time, you name it. But these are just the five I am loving the most at the moment. 

Let me know what your favourites are and if you watch any of the ones I am at the moment, I'd love to know!! 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Weight Loss Pill Scam

Hello lovelies, so this is sort of an unorthodox post for me to do but I felt like it needed to be done. These past few days I have had an actual nightmare with something and I felt a need to share with you guys so none of you go through the same situation. Please please read this if you feel like this is something you would pay for, because i'm sure this isn't the only company out there! 

So I first saw this on Facebook and people had apparently been raving about it saying how much weight they lost and it then went onto a link from 'Woman's Health' which looked amazing and as it seemed it was on a legitimate website I thought why not try the free trial? The only thing you needed to pay for was £4.95 for postage which seemed like a bargain so I went ahead and ordered it and it all seemed really good and the product arrived very promptly.

However, 13 days later I woke up to two emails saying my order had been confirmed for two bottles of the pill at £69.95 EACH. As a student who struggles with money anyway I just wanted to burst out into tears, I automatically got onto my laptop and looked at their website for their contact details. I called them once and no answer, I tried again and this guy picked up. He did not speak English very well and I was struggling to understand him as I tried to get my point across. He basically told me there was nothing that he could do and when I kept trying to ask about my money he ignored me for about a minute and forced me to hang up. 

I then tried to send emails and the emails just bounced back to me so it obviously wasn't a legitimate email. Because the money had yet to come out of my account I hoped maybe that call got through to him and they wouldn't take out the £140. This was however not the case, 2 days later my account was indeed 140 pounds short! 

My bank, HSBC, luckily were my heros and I managed to claim my money back and they were to deal with them and my dad is also amazing as he spoke to them and threatened to take it further and even legal action so they actually listened to him. So my nightmare is over, but others have not been so lucky and not taken action as quickly as I did.

So what is the scam you ask? When you sign up for the free trial, it doesn't state anywhere about signing up for a subscription however thats what they do. Every 30 days they charge you £69.95 for each bottle you ordered if you do not cancel this subscription within 14 days, however as far as anyone is aware all you are paying for is the free trial and postage. 

They state this in their terms and conditions which is hidden somewhere in their website, not easy to find! so it is easily missed by a lot of people. My bank actually said they have been dealing with this company for 2 years.

In regards to if the pills actually work, after this traumatic experience I have not tried them for long enough to actually see results and if this is something you are actually interested in seeing I will try them for you guys, but at the moment I have fallen out with the bottles and I think they will be pushed to the back of the cupboard for now.

I felt the need to post this and share my experiences with you guys so you don't do the same thing as me! Fortunately I got mine resolved but I know a lot of people struggled to and like myself £140 can make a lot of difference!  

Life lesson: read the terms and conditions guys, when its something new and unknown! 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Superdrug Haul

Hello lovelies, today I spent a little more than I care to admit. But one has to splurge occasionally (or in my case every other week). Today I only have lectures until 11 and so I went into town to do a few bits and bobs. I decided to give my hair a very healthy chop which you can go check out on my Instagram if you want to see that, and I popped into superdrug to literally just look at this one thing and so naturally I come out spending a small fortune. 

So the first thing that caught my eye were these real techniques brushes. Now my brush collection at the moment, although I do have a few, the quality is not that great. For ages I have been debating between Real Techniques or Zoeva and I think I did make my mind up and wanted to go for Zoeva, however these were on offer so I dived in and got these. I probably will still get the rose gold Zoeva set but for now these will start off my new shiny collection. The 3 pack of brushes cost just over 20 pounds and include the duo-fiber face brush, duo-fiber contour brush and the duo-fiber eye brush. All of these will come in really handy for my everyday makeup. And the single brush is the foundation brush, I got this as I was worried my current one was just sucking up too much product. That one is usually £8.99 but as part of the offer mine was around £4.50.

Next, I picked up these 3 items. These were impulse buys but I feel they will come in very handy. The first two were the maybelline colour 24h tattoo, these are both cream eyeshadows that I have never actually tried before but I think they give a really flawless and effortless look. I got them in the colour 'pink gold' and 'on and on bronze', these two colours are my favourite colours to wear on my eyes at the moment and will be easy to combine with my naked palette. 

I then picked up this Kate Moss Rimmel lipstick. I don't actually own a really red lipstick and the reason this one caught my eye was because it is for Red Nose Day. (If you don't know what that is, here in the UK Red Nose Day is this big charity day where we raise money for charity and there is this big TV thing, its pretty good). And £1.50 of the price of the lipstick goes to this charity. This is something I've always liked to get involved in and so why not do your bit while buying lipstick? It's a win win. The colour of this lipstick is actually called Red Nose Day, and its a really nice shade too!

And lastly, I saw all of Zoella's products sat there looking beautiful and I am actually yet to try the Fizz bar, and considering I left all my new bath bombs and stuff at home and forgot to bring them back to University I thought I'd treat myself and try this.

And that is my little superdrug haul for today, if you'd like me to review or mention any of these products again once i've used them, let me know! And let me know if you've spent a little too much on makeup recently just so I don't feel so bad!