Friday, December 5, 2014

Blogmas: Day 5!

Hello lovelies, today is the 5th of December - I feel like this week has gone so quickly already.

Today it is favourite Christmas food, now I don't know about you, but I basically eat everything at Christmas time, its the one time a year that our house is constantly jam packed with food! So I eat a lot, and probably put on about 5 stone in the process.

One thing we do do though, and I was going to put this in traditions but I thought it fit more in foods, we always have our amazing breakfast of chocolate covered strawberries, and we only do that for special occasions.

And obviously everyone's favourite bit of food at Christmas will be the Christmas dinner, but I wanted to just mention this - What does everyone have with theirs? I know people choose to have different meats, but I thought it was kind of standard to have the rest the same.. like stuffing, roast potatoes, yorkshire puddings, veg, parsnips and all that. But the other day my friend said she doesn't have yorkshire puddings with her Christmas dinner and I thought this was an outrage! So let me know what you actually have in your Christmas dinners, and if its normal not to have yorkshires. 

After the dinner I am well and truly stuffed but I can obviously make room for the lorry loads of chocolate we've been given while we pig out and watch Christmas TV until our bellies explode! 

As I said before please let me know if i'm the only one that finds its wrong to have Christmas dinner without yorkshire puddings! They are the best bit. Hope you are having a great December so far and enjoying blogmas...


  1. Loving your Blogmas series - we're both doing the same tag! I'm vegetarian so I don't get fussed over the meats, but you definitely MUST have yorkshire puddings! <3 xx

    1. It is a must isn't it!!! haha and fair enough, you need to have extra then to make up for no meat! haha xxx

  2. Yorkshires are a MUST, it is an outrage haha!

    Jade x ♡

    1. hahaha! Thankyou!! Glad its not just me that thinks that haha xxx
